She’s Coming Home

I did consider, briefly, becoming a celebrant when my parochial ministry came to an end. It has often been said that I ‘do a good funeral’ (I may have that inscribed on my tombstone), but I would have had to choose between doing so and honouring my ordination in the Church of England.


Following the newsfeeds, I shared the conversations with fellow clergy regarding protocol: London Bridge had fallen and Operation Unicorn was in place. Without a parish there was, there is, nothing for me to do to mark the death of the Queen. I feel discombobulated. I feel discombobulated, not only because I do not know how to minister, but because it is my daughter’s birthday.

Advent Calendars

The same thing happened last year: on the first of December I present my husband (and the children of course) with a chocolate Advent Calendar. On the second of December I am gifted not one, but two, calendars which have miraculously arrived courtesy of next day delivery: a chocolate calendar and a tea one. As I boiled the kettle and plucked the teabag from it’s ‘window’ I had a flash back to this time last year.

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