She’s Coming Home

I did consider, briefly, becoming a celebrant when my parochial ministry came to an end. It has often been said that I ‘do a good funeral’ (I may have that inscribed on my tombstone), but I would have had to choose between doing so and honouring my ordination in the Church of England.

New Year’s Resolutions Don’t Work

Instead, spend some time listening to your own heart, spend time listening to the God who truly loves you. Perhaps instead of guilting yourself into cutting things out of your life, be loved into identifying and increasing the blessings until there is no room left for those things you would usually seek to eradicate with New Year’s Resolutions.

How to Make a Sacred Space

What makes a space truly sacred, is the time spent praying within it, which is why ancient church buildings feel the way that they do; generations of people over hundreds of years have faithfully prayed and worshipped within them. We may just be beginning, but the more time spent praying within the space we have set aside, no matter how small, the more sacred it will feel.

Advent Calendars

The same thing happened last year: on the first of December I present my husband (and the children of course) with a chocolate Advent Calendar. On the second of December I am gifted not one, but two, calendars which have miraculously arrived courtesy of next day delivery: a chocolate calendar and a tea one. As I boiled the kettle and plucked the teabag from it’s ‘window’ I had a flash back to this time last year.

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